Integrate Standard 19" Racks
Our Integrate racks are quality 19" cabinets that can integrate seamlessly into your current IT system, meeting
your requirements for reliability, strength, versatility and able to
house all your standard 19" equipment including servers, switches, UPS’s, firewalls, back up devices and
comms. equipment. Integrate racks are available in Light Duty and Heavy
Duty ranges, featuring;
- steel construction
- fully adjustable front and rear mounting profiles
- removable and lockable side panels
- door options include bronzed toughened glass, steel mesh, perforated steel
and solid steel with vents
- width options include 600 & 800mm
- depth options include 600, 800, 1000 & 1200mm
- height options between 9-47U
- light grey or jet black paint as standard